Abraham Lincoln facts for kids

Abraham Lincoln Facts For Kids -  social studies skills studied in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th grades.

The 16th President of the USA

 Abraham Lincoln – The Honest Abe
Abraham Lincoln served as the 16th President of the United States from 1861 to 1865. He was assassinated in 1865 while still in office. Lincoln is credited with ably leading the country through one of its roughest period, the Civil War. His efforts and leadership made sure that the Union was preserved, slavery abolished and the federal government was strengthened. He is one of the highly acclaimed Presidents of the United States.
There are many stories about the honesty and the simplicity of this popular President that earned him the nick name Honest Abe. There are so many of his quotes that are mentioned even today that are really thought provoking and so valid and important even to this day.
Early life
Abraham Lincoln, the second child of Thomas and Nancy Hanks Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 on the Sinking Spring Farm, Kentucky. His parents and ancestors were of English descent and had migrated to America from Norfolk. Abraham Lincoln’s childhood was spent across Kentucky and Indiana. He lost his mother when he was just nine. His father remarried Sarah Bush Johnston with three children of her own. Abe was known to have been close his sister Sarah as well as his stepmother. Continue reading below>>>

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Formal education
Lincoln was mostly a self-taught person with not much of a formal education. He spent most of his time reading and learning. He was tall and athletic and very good with an ax. When his family moved again to Illinois, Lincoln went to New Salem and remained there for 6 years.
Lincoln married Mary Todd of Kentucky in 1840. They lived in Springfield where Lincoln practiced law. They had four children, but lost two of them, which plunged them into distress.
Lincoln served as a Captain in Illinois Militia during the Black Hawk War, New Salem's postmaster and also as a county surveyor. He then decided to read law and was admitted to the bar in 1836. In between he won a campaign for the State legislature as a Whig candidate in 1834. He served four successive terms in the Illinois House of Representatives. Lincoln was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in the year 1846 and served a two year term.
Lincoln supported Zachary Taylor in the 1848 Presidential election post which he was offered the Governor of the Oregon Territory post which he declined and returned back to his law practice in Springfield. His tenacious work with his clients during this period is what earned him the ‘Honest Abe’ tag.
Lincoln was vocal about his opposition to slavery and through a well monitored campaign was declared the 16th President of the United States in 1860 as the Republican candidate. Lincoln was re-elected in the 1864 Presidential election in a landslide victory.
On April 14, 1865, Abraham Lincoln was shot upon while attending a play at Ford's Theatre by John Wilkes Booth. During the time the American Civil War was just drawing to a close. He died on April 15, after being in a coma for nine hours.
Lincoln’s portrait appears on the penny and the $5 bill of the Unites States currency. Apart from this he also appears on many postage stamps, and many towns, cities and counties have been named after him. There are also many memorials dedicated to him and the navy aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln is named after him as well.