The crocodile board game download pdf - The crocodile board game is an educational board game that can be played by two students or two groups of students. It starts off with students roling a dice, pulling out cards and answering questions. Students who answer more questions correctly have a chance to roll the dice and move places forward. The story behind the game captures the scene of a frog trying to find its way through a swamp that has several obstacles along the way. There are crocodiles that can eat the frog and swans that can force the frog to change its course. There are also boosters along the way like bugs that the frog can eat to gain more energy to move forwards more spaces. The game is dictated by the random casting of a dice and by the ablity of students to answer questions correctly. Print out a board / template and laminate it for use both at home and in the classroom. The rules of the game are attached on the second page. N.B. this game is played with cards that can be downloaded from the "cards" menu above. This game is for reviewing social studies skills studied in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th grades.