The frog survival board game download pdf - The name of this game says it all, the frog has to survive. The story behind is that of a frog attempting to pass through a swamp that has several dangers like snakes and crocodiles. If the frog falls on a crocodile space, it is either eaten or has to escape back to the starting point. The options the frog has at hand are dictated by the ramdom outcome of rolling the dice and that of answering a question from a card pulled out of a shuffled deck. The deck of cards contains questions from varied topics hence students will test their knowledge in several social studies topics. This game board can be printed out and laminated for classroom use and homeschooling kids. N.B. this game is played with cards that can be downloaded from the "cards" menu above. This game is for reviewing social studies skills studied in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th grades.