Ulysses S. Grant facts for kids

Ulysses S. Grant Facts For Kids -  social studies skills studied in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th grades.

Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th US President

A Commanding General of the United States Army, Ulysses S. Grant became the 18th US President. He happens to be another much celebrated War Hero of the American soil. During the American Civil War, he worked in close quarters with the then US president, Abraham Lincoln.
Early Career
President Ulysses S. GrantGrant graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1843 and he took active part in the Mexican-American Civil War. He retired in 1854, but re-joined the Army in 1861 and won the Battle of Shiloh. The Union Forces achieved victory in this battle under his leadership. Grant, throughout his military career, earned the reputation of an aggressive Commander.
The genius that Grant displayed in the military space, has been hugely upheld by the historians; even his military strategies find a place in the school and university history curriculum as well. In spite of such huge acclaims, some people believe that his wins came from applying brutal forces rather than some brilliant military strategies.  Continue reading below>>>

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Firm grip on the nation
The turbulence of the Reconstruction period was still on. But Grant, President in 1868 and then elected again in 1872, took the entire nation in a firm grip. Civil rights and the right to elect were enforced by him. He took help in this case from the Army, as well as from the Department of Justice. Grant very actively protected African-American citizenship and with the help of the Black voters, the Republican Party in the South was successfully built by him.
Subsequently, the Republicans flourished much too well during his presidency, and the Afro-Americans were elected and absorbed not only to Congress, but also to the high state offices. Grant also strictly looked after the corruption issue in the Military space. Incidentally, he happened to be the most significant US president in the 19th century to sign legislation in order to end the moiety system that was severely corrupt.
Global role
In the global space, he maintained peace on the political level with most of the countries. At the same time his vision was to display America’s influence to the world. He also emphasized on the US Trade and its further improvement. Over some significant political treaties, Grant avoided war with Great Britain and Spain. During his tenure, he tried to put a huge amount of emphasis on the US dollar, the national currency, and took steps to strengthen it as much as was possible.
During his second presidential term, corruption charges took a never-before rise in the American society. Unemployment, lower profits in business and bankruptcy ruled the time. A third-time nomination for presidency seemed a distant possibility for him. In 1885, he died of throat cancer. During his term, he went out on a two-year long world tour that actually strengthened America’s relation with the countries worldwide and brought this vast continent of many religions and races to the limelight.
From being the son of a tanner in Ohio to the President in the White House------ Grant’s journey was no less than a fairy tale. Honest to the very core, the same Grant loved to receive gifts from his admirers. Different facets of this Military Commander turned President still make him a true War Hero President of the USA.