Crossword puzzle online on country capitals in Asia - Kabul, Baku, Yerevan, Manama, Beijing, Dhaka


“Dhaka sounds interesting.” “Well, I go for Baku, the largest city of the Caspian Sea. It seems magnificent.” 
Social studies have never been this enjoyable for kids in grades three to four. If they wish to learn more about the capital cities of Asian countries, this crossword puzzle online on country capitals in Asia – Kabul, Baku, Yerevan, Manama, Beijing, Dhaka is their number one go-to educational game. They obtain knowledge in less time about some of the most less popular countries and capital cities in Asia. They even learn all of these in just a matter of minutes. The game utilizes pictures of the countries’ flags to help players memorize the capitals. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, grade social studies game.

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